SC > Vocabulary > Is Meaning in Bengali – Is এর বাংলা অর্থ

Is Meaning in Bengali – Is এর বাংলা অর্থ

Is Meaning in Bengali
Is Meaning in Bengali





Part of Speech

Verb (Third person singular present form of “be”)

Bengali Meanings

(Verb) হয়, আছে, রয়েছে, থাকে

English Meanings

(Verb) The third person singular present form of “be,” used to indicate a state of being, identity, or existence.


English Synonyms (depending on context):

  • Am (first person singular present tense)
  • Are (second person singular/plural present tense, plural third person present tense)
  • Was (past tense)
  • Were (past tense plural)
  • Seems
  • Becomes


English Antonyms (doesn’t have a direct antonym as “is” expresses a state of being):

  • Isn’t (contraction of “is not”)
  • Wasn’t (contraction of “was not”)

Examples with Bengali Translation

  1. She is happy.
    • সে খুশি।
  2. The cat is on the roof.
    • বিড়ালটি ছাদের উপর আছে।
  3. This book is interesting.
    • এই বইটি আকর্ষণীয়।
  4. He is a doctor.
    • তিনি একজন ডাক্তার।
  5. The weather is nice today.
    • আজ আবহাওয়া ভালো।
  6. The food is ready.
    • খাবার প্রস্তুত।
  7. The child is asleep.
    • শিশুটি ঘুমিয়ে আছে।
  8. This is my favorite song.
    • এটি আমার প্রিয় গান।
  9. The meeting is at 5 PM.
    • মিটিংটি বিকেল ৫টায়।
  10. Her brother is very tall.
    • তার ভাই খুব লম্বা।

By explaining the word “is” and providing detailed examples and translations, we can help Bengali speakers better understand its usage and meaning in various contexts.

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