SC > English Grammar > Completing Sentence: Rules & Examples

Completing Sentence: Rules & Examples

Completing Sentence হল ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ। SSC এবং HSC পরীক্ষায় এই টপিক থেকে প্রায়শই প্রশ্ন আসে।

কিছু শিক্ষার্থী এই টপিকটিকে ভয় পেয়ে থাকে। এর কারণ হতে পারে পূর্বের ক্লাসে এই টপিকটি ভালোভাবে না পড়া। তবে, completing sentence আসলে খুব সহজ। একটু অনুশীলন করলেই যে কেউ এই টপিকে আয়ত্ত করতে পারে।

To complete sentences, you can use words, phrases, or clauses. The choice depends on the meaning and context.

Rules of Completing Sentence 

Completing Sentence হলো একটি মজার ও শিক্ষামূলক অনুশীলন যা আপনার ভাষা দক্ষতা উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করতে পারে। এই অনুশীলনে, আপনাকে Incomplete Sentence গুলোকে Complete করতে হবে। আজকে Completing Sentence এর সকল নিয়ম বর্ণণা করা হবে। সবগুলো নিয়ম আয়ত্ব করতে পারলে Completing Sentence এ আপনার আর কোন সমস্যা থাকবেনা ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Rule 1: It is time for

Rule 1: It is time + for + personal object + to + verb (present form) + ……….


  • It is time for us to start the meeting.
  • It is time for them to leave the office.

Rule 2: It is time

Rule 2: It is time + subject + verb (past form) + ………


  • It is time we went to bed.
  • It is time they finished their homework.

Rule 3: Present Indefinite + as if/as though

Rule 3: Present Indefinite + as if/as though + past indefinite.


  • He behaves as if he knows everything. (Present – behaves, Past – knew)
  • She runs as though she were being chased. (Present – runs, Past – were chased)

Rule 4: Past Indefinite + as if/as though

Rule 4: Past Indefinite + as if/as though + past perfect.


  • He spoke as if he had met the king before. (Past – spoke, Past Perfect – had met)
  • She acted as though she had never seen a computer. (Past – acted, Past Perfect – had seen)

Rule 5: If + Present Indefinite

Rule 5: If + Present Indefinite + future indefinite tense.


  • If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home.
  • If he studies hard, he will pass the exam.

Rule 6: If + Past Indefinite

Rule 6: If + Past Indefinite + would/could + verb (present form).


  • If he came earlier, we could have played a game.
  • If they had listened carefully, they would have understood the instructions.

Rule 7: If + Past Perfect

Rule 7: If + Past Perfect + would have/could have + verb (past participle form).


  • If I had studied more, I would have gotten a better grade.
  • If they had arrived on time, they wouldn’t have missed the train.

Rule 8: Had + Verb + Past Participle Form

Rule 8: Had + Verb + Past Participle Form + would have/could have + verb (past participle form).


  • Had I known you were coming, I would have prepared more food.
  • Had he practiced more, he could have won the competition.

Rule 9: If + Subject + were

Rule 9: If + Subject + were +…. + would/could + verb (present form).


  • If I were a bird, I could fly anywhere.
  • If you were in my shoes, you would understand.

Rule 10: Present/Future Indefinite Tense + when/after

Rule 10: Present/Future Indefinite Tense + when/after + present perfect.


  • You can go out when you have finished your chores.
  • We will leave after we have said goodbye to everyone.

Rule 11: Would that / I wish

Rule 11: Would that/ I wish + sub+ were + ……


  • I wish I were on vacation right now.
  • Would that we could turn back time.

Rule 12: Would you mind

Rule 12: Would you mind + verb(ing) + …….?


  • Would you mind opening the window?
  • Would you mind helping me with this project?

Rule 13: It is time to

Rule 13: It is time + to + verb (present form) + ……….


  • It is time to start the presentation.
  • It is time to get ready for dinner.

Rule 14: …… + so much/ so many + ….

Rule 14: ……so much/many + …. + that + 1st subject + can/cannot + …….


  • There are so many beautiful flowers in this garden.
  • He has so much work to do that he can’t take a break.

Rule 15: …… + too + adjective

Rule 15: ……too + adjective + to + verb (present form).


  • The water is too cold to swim in.
  • The book is too difficult for him to understand.

Rule 16: ……too + adjective/adverb + for + personal object

Rule 16: ……too + adjective/adverb + for + personal object + to + verb (present form).


  • The box is too heavy for me to lift.
  • The test was too hard for them to finish on time.

Rule 17: …… + so + adjective/adverb

Rule 17: ……so + adjective/adverb + that + 1st subject + cannot/could not + verb (present form).


  • She was so tired that she could not walk anymore.
  • The movie was so scary that they couldn’t watch it.

Rule 18: …… + so that

Rule 18: ……so that + 1st subject + can/could/may/might + verb (present form) + …………


  • We study hard so that we can get good grades.
  • He exercises regularly so that he can stay healthy.

Rule 19: …… + in order that

Rule 19: ……in order that + 1st subject + can/could/may/might + verb (present form) + …………


  • I went to the library in order that I could find more information.
  • They saved money in order that they could buy a new car.

Rule 20: …… + lest

Rule 20: ……lest + 1st subject + should + verb (present form) + …………


  • Lock the door lest someone should come in.
  • Study carefully lest you fail the exam.

Rule 21: ……would rather/sooner + verb

Rule 21: ……would rather/sooner + verb + than + verb/noun.


  • I would rather eat rice than bread.
  • He would sooner walk than take the bus.

Rule 22: …… + had better

Rule 22: ……had better + verb (present form) + ……….


  • You had better call him right now.
  • We had better leave before it starts raining.

Rule 23: …… + how

Rule 23: ……how + to + verb (present form) + …..


  • Do you know how to cook rice?
  • They are learning how to speak English.

Rule 24: Without + verb(ing) + …….

Rule 24: Without + verb(ing) + ……. + (meaningful negative sentence).


  • Without practicing regularly, you will not improve your skills.
  • Without getting enough sleep, you will feel tired.

Rule 25: By + verb(ing) + ………

Rule 25: By + verb(ing) + ……… + (meaningful affirmative sentence).


  • By studying hard, you can achieve your goals.
  • By eating healthy foods, you can stay healthy.

Rule 26: …… + provided/provided that/providing that/ if

Rule 26: ……provided/provided that/providing that/if + (meaningful sentence).


  • I will go to the party provided that the weather is good.
  • He will succeed provided that he works hard.

Rule 27: ……since/as/because

Rule 27: ……since/as/because + (meaningful sentence).


  • Since it was raining, we stayed home.
  • As he was not feeling well, he couldn’t go to work.
  • Because she studied diligently, she got good grades.

Rule 28: ……though/although/in spite of/despite of

Rule 28: ……though/although/in spite of/despite of + (alternative meaningful sentence).


  • Although he is poor, he is generous.
  • In spite of the rain, we went for a walk.

Rule 29: ……unless/if…not

Rule 29: ……unless/if…not + (meaningful affirmative sentence).


  • Unless you apologize, I won’t forgive you.
  • If you don’t hurry, you will miss the bus.

Rule 30: ……instead of/in lieu of

Rule 30: ……instead of/in lieu of + (meaningful word or sentence).


  • He chose to study science instead of history.
  • The company offered a discount in lieu of a refund.

Rule 31: ……because of/on account of/owing to/due to

Rule 31: ……because of/on account of/owing to/due to + (meaningful word or sentence).


  • Because of the power outage, the meeting was postponed.
  • On account of his illness, he missed the exam.

Rule 32: ……no sooner…than/ scarcely had…when/ hardly had

Rule 32: ……no sooner…than/scarcely had…when/hardly had……when + past indefinite tense.


  • No sooner had I finished my work than the phone rang.
  • Scarcely had they stepped outside when it started to rain.
  • Hardly had she arrived at the station when the train departed.

Rule 33: ……let alone

Rule 33: ……let alone + (meaningful word or phrase).


  • He cannot even solve simple problems, let alone complex ones.
  • I can’t run a marathon, let alone a short race.

Rule 34: ……a / the place

Rule 34: ……the place + where + (meaningful affirmative sentence).


  • Dhaka is the place where I was born.
  • A library is a place where you can find books.

Rule 35: ……the time/ year/ day

Rule 35: ……the time/year/day + when + (meaningful affirmative sentence).


  • Monday is the day when the workweek begins.
  • 2024 is the year when the pandemic began to slow down.
  • Eight o’clock is the time when most shops open.

Rule 36: ……that

Rule 36: ……that + (meaningful sentence).


  • I hope that he will be alright.
  • We believe that honesty is the best policy.

Rule 37: …feel, suppose, imagine, discover, know, judge, assume

Rule 37: …feel, suppose, imagine, discover, know, judge, assume + to be + adjective.


  • I felt him to be dishonest. (Felt – him, to be – dishonest)
  • They supposed the answer to be easy. (Supposed – the answer, to be – easy)

Rule 38: ……as long as

Rule 38: ……as long as + (meaningful sentence).


  • We will wait here as long as the bus arrives.
  • You can play outside as long as you finish your homework first.

Rule 39: ……till/until

Rule 39: ……till/until + (meaningful affirmative sentence).


  • Stay here until I come back.
  • We will work on the project until it’s finished.

Rule 40: ……in case

Rule 40: ……in case + (meaningful sentence).


  • Bring an umbrella in case it rains.
  • I’ll call him in case you need anything.

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